Workshop |
Title |
Schedule |
Summary |
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W1 |
Eleventh International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) |
30 Sep. |
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W2 |
Language Engineering (ATEM2007) |
1 Oct. |
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W3 |
Model Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces |
1 Oct. |
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W4 |
Model Size Metrics |
1 Oct. |
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W5 |
Model-Based Design of Trustworthy Health Information Systems |
30 Sep. |
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W6 |
Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVa'07) |
2 Oct. |
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Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems (MARTES'2007) |
2 Oct. |
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W8 |
Modelling Systems with OCL (Ocl4All) |
30 Sep. |
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W9 |
Models@run.time |
2 Oct. |
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W10 |
Multi-Paradigm Modeling: Concepts and Tools (MPM'07) |
2 Oct. |
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W11 |
Quality in Modeling |
2 Oct. |
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The MoDELS series of conferences is the premier venue for the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences relating to model-driven approaches in the development of software-based systems. Domain-specific modeling languages, model-driven engineering, model transformations, and standardization of modeling languages are among the more significant emerging trends covered by the conference.
Following the tradition of previous conferences, MoDELS 2007 will host 11 workshops. The workshops will provide a collaborative forum for a group of (typically 15 to 30) participants to exchange recent and/or preliminary results, to conduct intensive discussions on a particular topic, or to coordinate efforts between representatives of a technical community. They are intended as a forum for lively discussion of innovative ideas, recent progress, or practical experience on model-driven engineering for specific aspects, specific problems, or domain-specific needs.
Workshop Committee:
Holger Giese, University of Paderborn, DE (Chair)
Gabor Karsai, Vanderbilt University, USA
Thomas Kühne, Darmstadt University of Technology, DE
Jochen Küster, IBM Research Zurich, CH
Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila, IT
Sebastian Uchitel, Imperial College London, UK
For any further information or detailed inquiries please contact
W1: Eleventh International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM)
Omar Aldawud (Lucent Technologies, USA)
Walter Cazzola (University of Milano, Italy)
Tzilla Elrad (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Jeff Gray (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Jörg Kienzle (McGill University, Canada)
Dominik Stein (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Aspect-orientation is a rapidly advancing technology. New and powerful aspect-oriented programming techniques are presented at many international venues every year. However, it is not clear what features of such techniques are "common aspect-oriented concepts" and what features are rather language-specific specialties. Research in aspect-oriented modeling has the potential to help find such common characteristics from a perspective that is at a more abstract level (i.e., programming language-independent). The Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) Workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from two communities, aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) and model-driven engineering. This workshop provides a forum for presenting new ideas and discussing the state of research and practice in modeling various kinds of crosscutting concerns at different levels of abstraction. The goals of the workshop are to identify and discuss the impacts of aspect-oriented technologies on model engineering to provide aspect-oriented software developers with general modeling means to express aspects and their crosscutting relationships onto other software artifacts.
W2: Language Engineering
Jean-Marie Favre (University of Grenoble, France)
Dragan Gašević (Athabasca University, Canada)
Ralf Lämmel (Microsoft, USA)
Andreas Winter (University of Mainz, Germany)
The workshop on Language Engineering, which is held as the 4th edition of the ATEM Workshop series, brings together researchers from different communities to study the disciplined engineering and application of various language descriptions in order to further expand frontiers of their synergetic use in model-driven engineering. The importance of metamodels, schemas, grammars, and ontologies (or ``language descriptions'') is generally acknowledged by the model-driven engineering community, but, as yet, the study of these artifacts lacks a common umbrella. Language Engineering (in the context of software engineering) promotes language descriptions to first class citizens, just like programs, data, and models based on the systematic, programmatic analysis and manipulation of these language descriptions. To have a deeper focus on the Language Engineering perspective of MDE, ATEM2007 pays attention to the fact that language descriptions, which are used in developing software systems, can be defined in different ways and used to define for different software artifacts, but still they have to be used together in integrated software life cycle. Thus, we need ways that enable us to fully support the Language Engineering life cycle including (but not limiting to), requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, application, re-engineering, reverse engineering, and evolution of language descriptions. Since most of language descriptions have rather different technological, research and cultural origins, the synergic use is rather a complex task that requires join efforts of different communities.
W3: Model Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces
Andreas Pleuß (University of Munich, Germany)
Jan Van den Bergh (Hasselt University, Belgium)
Heinrich Hußmann (University of Munich, Germany)
Stefan Sauer (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Daniel Görlich (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)
The user interface of an application is often one of the core factors determining its success. While model-based user interface development is an important line of research in the human-computer-interaction (respectively human-machine-interaction) community, model-driven application development is an important area in the software engineering community. This workshop aims at integrating the knowledge from both domains, leading to a model-driven development of user interfaces. Thereby, the focus of the workshop lies on advanced user interfaces corresponding to the current state-of-the-art in human-computer interaction, like e.g. multimedia or context-sensitive user interfaces or multimodal interaction techniques.
This is the third workshop in this series, building up on the results of its predecessor held at MoDELS 2006. In particular, it addresses challenges identified on the preceding events, such as better integration of model-driven user interface development and creative design, model transformations which allow a better control of the usability of the resulting user interface and advanced usage of models at runtime for adaptation of user interfaces.
W4: Model Size Metrics
Michel Chaudron [Workshop Chair] (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
Betty H.C. Cheng (Michigan State University)
Christian F.J. Lange (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
Jacqueline McQuillan (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
Andrij Neczwid (Motorola Software Group)
Frank Weil (Motorola Software Group)
Within the MoDELS community a standardized method of determining sizing concepts for software models that allows the effective base lining and comparison of model concepts is needed. Such metrics are crucial for effective estimation and quality management of model development. Additionally measuring the model size is important to provide context information for empirical studies using models.
One of the most commonly used measures of source code program size is the source lines of code (SLOC) metric. However, the concept of lines of code does not readily apply to modeling languages such as UML and SDL. Furthermore, software models are heterogeneous in nature (consisting of several different types of diagrams), can exist at varying levels of abstraction and can be created using different modeling styles. As a result, researchers face many challenges when trying to define the size of a software model.
The aims of the workshop are to bring together practical experience and research results related to sizing techniques for software models, to build a community of researchers and practitioners that share software design artefacts for the purpose of empirical studies, and to identify a research agenda in the area of model size measurement.
W5: Model-Based Design of Trustworthy Health Information Systems
Elske Ammenwerth (University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Austria)
Ruth Breu (Universität Innsbruck, Austria)
Ruzena Bajcsy (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
John C. Mitchell (Stanford University, USA)
Alexander Pretschner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University, USA)
While many information-intensive industries have developed and deployed standards-based information infrastructures, healthcare has been characterized as a "trillion dollar cottage industry" that, in its current state, is heavily dependent on paper records and fragmented, error-prone approaches to service delivery. In response, Health Information Systems (HIS) are emerging as a new and significant application domain for information technologies to capture and promote interactions between patients and healthcare providers. However, the ingratiation of information systems into the complex world of healthcare generates unique technology challenges. A primary concern is that privacy and security requirements for HIS are frequently expressed in vague, as well as contradictory, complex laws and regulations. To address this problem, model-based methods offer a revolutionary way to formally and explicitly integrate privacy and security goals into HIS architectures. End-to-end architecture modeling, integrated with formal privacy and security models, offer new opportunities for HIS system designers and end users. This workshop intends to bring computer scientists, medical experts, and legal policy experts together to discuss research results in the development and application of model-based methods for representing, analyzing and integrating, architectures, privacy and security policies, computer security mechanisms, web authentication, and human factors engineering.
W6: Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation
Benoit Baudry (IRISA/INRIA, France)
Alain Faivre (CEA-LIST, France)
Sudipto Ghosh (Colorado State University, USA)
Alexander Pretschner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a development process that extensively uses models and automatic model transformations to handle complex software developments. Many software artifacts, tools, environments and modeling languages need to be developed to make MDE a reality. Consequently, there is a crucial need for effective V&V techniques in this new context. Furthermore, the novelty of this development paradigm gives rise to questions concerning its impacts on traditional V&V techniques, and how they can leverage this new approach. The objective of this workshop is to offer a forum for researchers and practitioners who are developing new approaches to V&V in the context of MDE.
Major questions that cross-cut V&V and MDE include: Is the result of a transformation really what the user intended? Is the model correct with respect to the expected security, time, and structural constraints? What models can be used for validation or verification? Does the implementation generated after several model transformations conform to the initial requirements?
The workshop will discuss V&V of model transformations and code generation; techniques for validating a model or generating test cases from models including simulation, model-checking, and model-based testing; application of MDE to validation, testing, and verification; tools and automation; case studies and experience reports.
Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Sébastien Gérard (CEA, List, France)
Susanne Graf (Verimag, France)
Øystein Haugen (SINTEF and University of Oslo, Norway)
Iulian Ober (IRIT)
Bran Selic (IBM/Rational, Canada)
The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative of the OMG puts forward the idea that future process development will be centered on models, thus keeping application development and underlying platform technology as separate as possible. In the area of DRES (distributed, Real-time and Embedded Systems), this model-oriented trend is also very active and promising. But DRES are different from general-purpose systems. The purpose of this workshop is to serve as an opportunity to gather researchers and industrials in order to survey some existing experiments related to modeling and model-based analysis of DRES. Moreover in order to be able to exchange models with the aim to apply formal validation tools and to achieve interoperability, it is important to have also a common understanding of the semantics of the given notations. Other important issues in the domain of real-time are methodology and modeling paradigms allowing breaking down the complexity, and tools which are able to verify well designed systems.
W8: Ocl4All: Modelling Systems with OCL
David H. Akehurst (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK)
Martin Gogolla (Technische Universität Bremen, Germany)
Steffen Zschaler (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
The requirements that the modelling community now wants to see supported by OCL go far beyond its initial requirements. When OCL was conceived it was designed as a language for supporting precise modelling. The advent of the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) vision and the rapid acceptance of MDE (Model Driven Engineering) approaches emphasize new application domains (like Semantic Web or Domain Specific Languages). This increase in new modelling languages causes a need for new OCL-like languages for systems modelling, frequently developed as extensions to the original.
This workshop is a continuation of the well-established series of MoDELS workshops on OCL. As this year's special focus, we wish to recognise, officially, that OCL will be used as a basis for many text-based navigation languages and to bring together the community that defines these extensions in order to consolidate the experiences, successes and failures involved in doing so. We also hope to discuss the potential for redesigning or at least restructuring the OCL standard definition in order to better facilitate and support third party extensions to the language. This workshop aims to look specifically at how to apply the key software engineering principles of modularity and reuse to the definition of OCL.
W9: Models@run.time
Nelly Bencomo (Lancaster University, UK)
Gordon Blair (Lancaster University, UK)
Robert France (Colorado State University, USA)
In the design modelling community, research effort has focused on using models at design, implementation, and deployment stages of development. The complexity of adapting software during runtime has spawned interest in how models can be used to validate, monitor and adapt runtime behaviour. The use of models during runtime extends the use of modelling techniques beyond the design and implementation phases of development. Model-driven software development would help providing the infrastructure to reconfigure and adapt a runtime system based on input QoS and context based values. The perspective of models at runtime consists in bringing this model-based capability forward to the runtime. The goal of this workshop is to look at issues related to developing appropriate model-driven approaches to managing and monitoring the execution of systems. The workshop aims to integrate and combine research ideas from relevant areas as model-driven software development, software architectures, reflection, and autonomic and self healing systems, and provide a "state-of-the-research" assessment expressed in terms of research issues, challenges, and achievements.
W10: Multi-Paradigm Modeling: Concepts and Tools
Pieter Mosterman (The MathWorks, Inc., USA)
Tihamér Levendovszky (Budapest University, Hungary)
Juan de Lara (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Computational modeling has become the norm in industry to remain competitive and be successful. As such, Model- Based Design of embedded software has enterprise-wise implications and modeling is not limited to isolated uses by a single engineer or team. Instead, it has reached a proliferation much akin to large software design, with requirements for infrastructure support such as version control, configuration management, and automated processing.
The comprehensive use of models in design has created a set of challenges beyond that of supporting one isolated design task. In particular, the need to combine, couple, and integrate models at different levels of abstraction and in different formalisms is posing a set of specific problems that the field of Computer Automated Multiparadigm Modeling (CAMPaM) is aiming to address.
The essential element of multiparadigm modeling is the use of explicit models throughout. This leads to a framework with models to represent the syntax of formalisms used for modeling, models of the transformations that represent the operational semantics, as well as model-to-model transformations for inter-formalism transformation.
These models are then used to facilitate generative tasks in language engineering, such as evolving a domain specific modeling formalism as its requirements change, but also in a tool engineering space, such as automatic generation of integrated development environments. Moreover, given an explicit model of a model transformation allows analyses such as termination characteristics, consistency, and determinism.
W11: Quality in Modeling
Ludwik Kuzniarz (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Ronneby, Sweden)
Jean Louis Sourrouille (INSA Lyon, France)
Miroslaw Staron (IT University, Gothenburg, Sweden)
Quality assessment and assurance is an important part of software engineering. The issues of software quality management are widely researched and approached from multiple perspectives and viewpoints. The introduction of a new paradigm in software development -- Model Driven Development (MDD) -- raises new challenges in software quality management, and as such should be given a special attention. The issues of early quality assessment based on models at a high abstraction level and building prediction models for software quality are important from the software engineering perspective.
The workshop is intended to provide a premier forum for discussions related to software quality and MDD. The discussions are to be organized around addressing the following topics: assessment of quality, quality models and best practices, quality checking and ensuring, software processes for ensuring quality, impact of MDD on quality, experience reports and empirical studies of quality in the context of MDD.
The workshop is built upon the experience and discussions during the first workshop on Quality in Modeling at Models 2006 and a follow up of a series of consistency workshops held annually at the UML conferences and MDA-FA conference.